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THE HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Appellant, vs. ESTHER JACKSON, etc., et al., Appellees.

25 Fla. L. Weekly D1123b

Insurance — Ambiguities — No ambiguity presented by “General Aggregate Limit” and “Each Occurrence Limit” when provisions are read together in context of entire policy as a whole

THE HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Appellant, vs. ESTHER JACKSON, etc., et al., Appellees. 3rd District. Case No. 3D99-2750 . L.T. Case No. 99-2741. Opinion filed May 10, 2000. An Appeal from the Circuit Court for Dade County, Thomas S. Wilson, Jr., Judge. Counsel: George, Hartz, Lundeen and Fulmer and Charles M.P. George and Mitchell L. Lundeen, for appellant. Scott A. Mager and Gary S. Gaffney (Ft. Lauderdale), for appellees.


(PER CURIAM.) The sole issue presented to the trial court, and now presented to us for our consideration, is the question of whether the insurance policy as issued is ambiguous.

Contrary to the determination made by the trial court, we find no ambiguity presented by the “General Aggregate Limit” and “Each Occurrence Limit” when those provisions are read together in the context of the entire insurance policy as a whole.

Accordingly, the summary judgment entered in plaintiffs’ favor, regarding the above provisions, is reversed, and this cause is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings consistent herewith.

Reversed and remanded.

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