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RURAL METRO AMBULANCE, INC., as assignee of Isaac Donaldson, Plaintiff, vs. STATE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant.

11 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 364c

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Attorney’s fees — Contingency risk multiplier

RURAL METRO AMBULANCE, INC., as assignee of Isaac Donaldson, Plaintiff, vs. STATE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. County Court, 18th Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County. Case No. 03-SC-636. May 21, 2003. John Sloop, Judge. Counsel: Rutledge M. Bradford, Orlando.


THIS MATTER was presented for the Court’s consideration upon Plaintiff’s Motion for Attorney’s Fees and Costs, and request for Expert Witness Fee, following the plaintiff’s successful prosecution of this PIP lawsuit. The Court being otherwise fully advised in the premises, makes the following findings:

1. The reasonable hours expended by the plaintiff’s attorney were 9.10 hours;

2. For this type of case, in this marketplace, a reasonable hourly rate for plaintiff’s attorney is $350.00;

3. No multiplier has been requested by the Plaintiff.

4. The reasonable costs total $103.92.

5. Plaintiff’s expert witness shall be awarded 9.10 hours of time at the hourly rate of $350.00.

Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: that the Plaintiff shall recover from the Defendant, STATE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, attorney’s fees of plaintiff’s counsel of $3,185.00; reasonable sum for costs incurred by the plaintiff of $103.92; Plaintiff’s expert witness $385.00 for a total of $3,673.92. Defendant is ordered to pay Plaintiff’s attorney the aforesaid attorneys’ fees and costs, plus prejudgment interest on the aforesaid sum from March 31, 2003, at the statutory rate of 6%, which totals $30.80; Quality Engineered Installation, Inc. v. Higley South, Inc., 670 So.2d 929 (Fla. 1996).

For which let execution issue in stanter.

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