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DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL CENTER, INC., (as assignee of Norma Burgos), Plaintiff, v. PROGRESSIVE AUTO PRO INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant.

13 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 829b

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Discovery — Insurer is ordered to produce independent medical examination reports and peer review reports prepared by insurer’s expert at behest of insurer and drafts to claims management company reflecting payment for procurement of IME and peer review reports

DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL CENTER, INC., (as assignee of Norma Burgos), Plaintiff, v. PROGRESSIVE AUTO PRO INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. County Court, 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Civil Division. Case No. 05-3802, Division J. May 16, 2006. Gaston J. Fernandez, Judge. Counsel: Timothy A. Patrick, Timothy A. Patrick, P.A., Tampa, for Plaintiff. Marc Crumpton, Jr., for Defendant.


This cause having come before the Court on May 10, 2006, on Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel Better Responses to 4th Request to Produce, with Timothy A. Patrick, Esquire appearing on behalf of Plaintiff and Marc Crumpton, Jr., Esquire appearing on behalf of Defendant, and the Court, being fully advised in the premises, rules that for the reasons stated on the record and recorded in open court, which constitutes the decision of this Court, ORDERS AS FOLLOWS:

1. Plaintiff’s Request to Produce No. 2 requests the following: Copies of all IME reports and peer review reports prepared by Charles A. Finn, M.D. at the behest of Progressive or a third party vendor engaged by Progressive within the past three (3) years. Plaintiff’s Motion is GRANTED as Defendant has agreed to produce this information.

2. Plaintiff’s Request to Produce No. 3 requests the following: Copies of all drafts executed by Progressive to Florida Claims Management which reflect payment for the procurement of IME reports and peer review reports within the past three (3) years. Plaintiff’s Motion is GRANTED. If the Defendant has previously provided this information, this request is moot. If the Defendant has not previously provided this information, said information must be provided.

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