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HEALTHY SUNRISE, INC., (a/a/o Joanna San Martin), Appellant, vs. MERCURY INSURANCE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, Appellee.

18 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 804b

Online Reference: FLWSUPP 1809HEAL Insurance — Personal injury protection — Coverage — Amended version of PIP statute governs reimbursement under PIP contract where changed fee schedule did not unconstitutionally impair contract

Cert. denied, 11-7-2011 (3D11-1418)

HEALTHY SUNRISE, INC., (a/a/o Joanna San Martin), Appellant, vs. MERCURY INSURANCE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, Appellee. Circuit Court, 11th Judicial Circuit (Appellate) in and for Miami-Dade County. Case No. 09-520 AP. L.C. Case No. 08-008955-SP 25. April 15, 2011. Rehearing denied May 4, 2011. An Appeal from the County Court for Miami-Dade County. Andrew S. Hague, Judge. Counsel: Marlene S. Reiss, for Appellant. Scott W. Dutton, Dutton Law Group, P.A., Tampa, for Appellee.[Lower Court Order Published at 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1068b]


(PER CURIAM.) Affirmed.


The Appellee’s Motion to Tax Attorney’s Fees and Costs is hereby:

Granted. The case is remanded to the lower court to determine the amount of a reasonable fee. (KORVICK, BAILEY, MARIN , JJ CONCUR.)


(Before KORVICK, BAILEY, and MARIN, JJ.) Appellant’s Motion for Rehearing is DENIED. The instant PIP contractual provisions are governed by Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, “as amended.” R. at 19 (PART II PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION-COVERAGE P). The changed fee schedules did not unconstitutionally impair the parties’ contract. See Angora Enters., Inc. v. Condo. Ass’n of Lakeside Vill., 796 F.2d 384, 386 (11th Cir. 1986) (contractual provision allowed application of future amendments to the Florida Condominium Act, whose application might have unconstitutionally impaired a party’s contractual obligation); Cohn v. The Grand Condo. Ass’n, Inc., 36 Fla. L. Weekly S129a (Fla. Mar. 31, 2011) (condominium documents specifically set forth the statutory year of the legislation they followed; new statutory enactments did not unconstitutionally impair contract since they were not incorporated into the documents).

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