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EDITH NEGRON, as parent and natural guardian of THAYREEN BURGOS, minor, Plaintiff, vs. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant.

8 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 848a

Insurance — Discovery — Motion to compel insurer to produce contract granted — Contract is not trade secret — Court agrees to in camera inspection of any portion of contract that insurer asserts is privileged — Motion to compel response to interrogatory is granted but limited to production of information in insurer’s possession

EDITH NEGRON, as parent and natural guardian of THAYREEN BURGOS, minor, Plaintiff, vs. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. County Court, 10th Judicial Circuit in and for Polk County, Civil Division. Case No. 2000-CC11-0625. March 9, 2001. Michael E. Raiden, Judge. Counsel: Hans Kennon, Orlando. Gerard Duignan, Tampa.


This cause came on for hearing on the Amended Motion for In Camera Inspection by Plaintiff EDITH NEGRON. Upon a review of the motion, the files and records in this case, the arguments of counsel, and the applicable law, the Court does hereby ORDER and ADJUDGE as follows:

1. Regarding Plaintiff’s Request to Produce #1, the motion is GRANTED to the extent State Farm shall provide Plaintiff with a copy of any contract or agreement between itself and Inginex, Inc. The Court specifically finds that the nature of the parties’ business agreement, particularly as it concerns compensation, is relevant. The Court also specifically finds that such contract or agreement would not constitute a trade secret. In the event State Farm believes the contract or agreement contains privileged information, the Court agrees to in camera inspection if necessary. Any request for such inspection shall specifically identify those portions to which any privilege is being asserted, as well as the specific nature of the privilege;

2. Regarding Plaintiff’s Interrogatory #3, the motion is DENIED insofar as the Court is of the opinion that production of the contract will adequately satisfy any relevant questions left unanswered by State Farm’s prior response;

3. Regarding Plaintiff’s Interrogatory #8, the motion is GRANTED to the extent State Farm shall produce any such information in its possession. In the event State Farm wishes to assert any specific privilege to any such items, the Court agrees to in camera inspection under the same terms as set forth in paragraph 1, supra. This order does not apply to Inginex, Inc., and the Court expresses no opinion about any objections Inginex, Inc., may have to production of documents and things in its possession.

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