Volume 10

Case Search

JEFFREY B. FRIEDMAN, M.D., P.A. As assignee of JULIA MARINO, Plaintiff, vs. PROGRESSIVE CONSUMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation authorized and doing business in the State of Florida, Defendant.

10 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1057a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Discovery — Objections to requests to produce documents, requests for admissions, and interrogatories seeking information concerning databases and computer programs utilized by insurer to determine reasonableness of charges and amounts allowed on grounds that discovery seeks proprietary materials, confidential research, commercial information, and trade secrets are overruled — If insurer fails to completely respond to discovery requests, it will be prohibited from relying on or utilizing computer software in its defense

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10 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 384a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Discovery — Production of documents — Challenge to order requiring insurer denying claim for cervical videofluoroscopy to produce every peer review and independent medical examination report, recommendation, or opinion to insurer generated by IME physician concerning medical provider’s videofluoroscopy for last three years — Requested information is not irrelevant since purpose is to show possible bias of IME physician — Discovery order is not overly burdensome where trial court required production of only those reports that insurer already possesses, narrowed the request, and left door open for insurer to request relief after good faith effort — IME physician’s willingness to admit on stand to 99.9% denial rate does not render requested production unnecessary where in deposition testimony IME physician was unable to offer specific numbers of reports or to support the idea that he had even once found test medically necessary and denied keeping copies of his reports such that cross-examination of IME physician would not be adequate substitute for production of reports — Petition for writ of certiorari dismissed

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10 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 862a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Discovery — Failure to comply — Where insurer had insured’s application for PIP benefits for prior accident in its possession at time of discovery request for entire PIP file including applications, and insurer did not produce application, which it allegedly did not realize it had, insurer’s discovery response was not complete at time it was made — Test of completeness is not subjective test based on what documents insurer realized it had but objective test of what documents were in insurer’s possession — No merit to insurer’s argument that it had no duty to supply application because it was not under continuing duty to supplement response to request to produce where original response was not complete — Error to find that failure to produce application was cured by disclosure of existence of application by insurer’s exhibit list where generic entry for “PIP file” did not disclose existence of application — Entry for impeachment exhibits did not disclose existence of application where, although it was foreseeable by insurer from insured’s deposition that insurer would use application to impeach insured’s testimony about prior injuries, insurer’s counsel never disclosed existence of application to insured’s counsel and misrepresented to insured’s counsel that he would only be using medical records, photographs of insured’s car, and the insurance policy, lulling insured’s counsel into believing no other documents existed and not examining insurer’s exhibits — Although application was document insured had filed, where insured never remembered filing application and did not remember what injuries she listed, there is surprise in fact requiring new trial

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GARY H. DIBLASIO, M.D., P.A. (Gary Lamoureux), Plaintiff, vs. Progressive Express Insurance Company, Defendant.

10 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 739a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Discovery — Production of documents — Interrogatories — Insurer must produce all documentation and information requested regarding monies paid to and insurer’s relationship to company whose computer program is used to process claims and reduce medical bills and physician developer of program, databases used in reduction of bills, money saved by use of program, and errors made by program that is related to any information or documentation insurer intends to rely upon or refer to in its defense

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