Volume 11

Case Search

ALL COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER, INC. a/a/o Elizeth Gourdine, Plaintiff, vs. ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant.

11 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 747a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Standing — Assignment — Provider/assignee’s unopposed motion for partial summary judgment on assignment of benefits is granted — Reasonableness of charges — Provider’s motion for summary judgment on reasonableness of charges is granted where provider filed affidavit of billing expert in support of motion; insurer filed motions to continue and notices of taking depositions of provider’s owner, treating physician, records custodian, billing manager, and insured; insurer appeared at hearing without any opposing affidavits or other evidence, and insurer has not provided sufficient reason why court should continue hearing or justification for taking depositions in light of affidavit of billing expert who is only person qualified to testify on issue

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11 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 911a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Service of process — Delay — Where small claims rules contemplate that summons/notice to appear should be served within 45 days from date of filing action, but rules of civil procedure allow court to excuse failure to serve for good cause or excusable neglect, court finds that attempts to negotiate settlement of this and 70 other simultaneously-filed suits constitute good cause or excusable neglect for delay in effecting service — Motion to dismiss denied

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TALLAHASSEE MRI, P.A., (Jacques Amilcar, Patient), Plaintiff, vs. PROGRESSIVE AUTO PRO INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant.

11 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 69a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Declaratory judgments — Legitimate dispute exists as to whether section 627.736(6)(d) requires insurer to provide health care provider with PIP Payout Log, or whether insurer is required to provide this information to “injured party” only — Declaratory judgment is appropriate vehicle for resolving this dispute — Motion to dismiss denied

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