Volume 14

Case Search

GARY H. DIBLASIO, M.D., P.A. (a/a/o Cheryl Baumann), Appellant, v. PROGRESSIVE EXPRESS INSURANCE COMPANY, Appellee.

14 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1027a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Coverage — Medical bills — CPT coding — No error in finding as matter of law that CPT provision does not require that medical provider’s interpretation of diagnostic test results ordered by another provider be bundled with office consultation CPT code, but allows for separate CPT code for reading test — Physician’s affidavit stating that medical provider’s billing practices were unreasonable and constituted impermissible unbundling did not create fact issue precluding summary judgment because meaning of terms was question of law, not issue for expert testimony, and there was no evidence that affiant was expert on interpretation of CPT — Further, insurer’s interpretation of CPT code provision was contrary to past practice and cost-saving policy — Reasonable charges — Peer review and affidavit filed one year after bills were submitted to insurer was not time-barred by statute — Peer review affidavit was not excludable for taking position inconsistent with claims adjuster’s deposition testimony that basis for reducing provider’s bills was Mitchell medical billing system where deposition and affidavit both stand for proposition that provider’s charges are not reasonable — Peer review affidavit is not required to be supported by examination of insured because insurer’s reduction of provider’s claims does not constitute withdrawal of benefits — Error to exclude peer review affidavit

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14 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 50a

Insurance — Personal injury protection — Declaratory judgment — Coverage — Misrepresentations — Where insured failed to cooperate with insurer’s investigation of accident allegedly caused by phantom vehicle by providing documents requested by insurer to corroborate insured’s testimony in examination under oath, insured and other vehicle occupants gave conflicting statements and made material misrepresentations in EUOs, and insurer’s accident reconstructionist found that accident could not have occurred in manner claimed by insured, no insurance coverage exists

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14 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 174b

Insurance — Homeowners — Where homeowner’s insurance policy was issued before effective date of section 627.7011, which requires insurer to offer law and ordinance and replacement value coverage when issuing or renewing policy, homeowner is not entitled to declaration that statute applies to policy, as constitution bars retroactive application of statute to change rights that vested before statute went into effect

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