Attorney Referrals

We Set The Standards™

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Our office accepts referrals from other attorneys and we invite them to co-counsel cases with us. If you co-counsel a case with our firm then our fees do not go up and the client will receive two lawyers for the price of one. The extent of your participation is up to the referring attorney. All of our co-counsel agreements meet ethical guidelines.

Why Refer a Business Interruption Case to Our Office:

We have a statewide practice handling cases against greedy insurance companies that take money from customers and are stingy when it comes time to pay out on a valid claim. We have filed thousands of lawsuits against insurance companies and are prepared to litigate cases anywhere in Florida to protect Florida customers who paid for insurance. We encourage you to contact our office and learn more about attorney referrals.

We Will Treat Your Clients the Way You Would Want Them Treated.

To schedule your free consultation with Ovadia Law Group

Contact us at 1-800-674-9396