Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement and Fairness Hearing

Claims Administrator:
P.O. Box 44,
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0044.
Member’s Information
All claims of this Member affected by this class action, including, but not limited to,
To whom it may concern:
I certify and attest to the Court that the Settlement Class Member on whose behalf this Opt- Out exclusion request is submitted, has been provided a copy of and has read the Class Notice and thereafter specifically requested to be excluded from this Settlement Class. The Undersigned attests under penalty of perjury that at the time of this submission, I am authorized to represent the Settlement Class Member upon whose behalf I am submitting this exclusion request in this matter, and I have confirmed that no other representative counsel or agent will be submitting a Settlement Claim Form or submitting an Opt-Out on behalf of the Settlement Class Member. I further attest under penalty of perjury that I have actually advised the Settlement Class Member of the material terms of the Settlement, including the monetary terms of the Settlement and a comparison of recovery based on the monetary terms of the Settlement and what that proposed Settlement Class Member could expect without Settlement and that, after a full consultation, the Settlement Class Member still desires to Opt-Out of the Settlement.
Christopher Kasper, Esq.