Doral Civil RICO Defense Lawyer

What You Need to Know About Doral Civil RICO Claims

If you have fallen victim to racketeering in the Doral area, you may be entitled to compensation in one or more ways. Common examples of racketeering include: 

These are but a few examples that could qualify you for a civil RICO claim. However, it is very important to connect with a reputable defense lawyer so that they can review the specifics of your case with you. Once they are able to determine the value of your case, your civil RICO defense lawyer will be able to fight for you. At Ovadia Law Group, we have a team of highly regarded and dependable Doral civil RICO defense attorneys who are ready to pursue your case for you.

Common Types of Civil RICO Activity in Doral, by a Civil RICO Defense Lawyer:

RICO is an acronym for the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. This Act was put into place as part of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.  However, civil RICO lawsuits are not limited to only cases of organized crime. It can also be applied to any legitimate business that engages in a pattern of racketeering activities, under the law. Common types of civil RICO activities include: 


Bribery is considered as the offering, receiving, or giving of something in order to influence a public official, such as a member of congress, delegate, resident commissioner, or similar.


Threats of violence, property damage, harm to a reputation, or retribution used to force a victim into giving the perpetrator money or property, are all considered forms of extortion. Blackmail is the most common and familiar types of extortion.

Security Fraud

The first step is to sit down with you for a free case consultation to discuss what happened. We can then determine if you have grounds for a case. If so, we look over all of the evidence to determine what happened, including witness accounts.

Mail and Wire Fraud

These schemes use the U.S. mail system or electronic sources, such as the phone or Internet, to defraud others of property or finances. This is usually done through telemarketing, email scams, and mail scams.


Embezzlement is a form of theft that is carried out by purposefully withholding any certain type of funds. Often times, funds are taken by a member of a company.

Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud refers to the commission of any act that is intended to obtain a favorable, yet fraudulent outcome, during an insurance claim.

These are just a few common examples of how civil RICO lawsuits can occur. If the unfortunate happens and you are involved in a civil RICO case, it is very important to seek legal representation immediately. At Ovadia Law Group, our experienced civil RICO defense lawyers are trained to successfully litigate civil RICO actions throughout Doral. We are determined to get you the best results possible from your case. Your initial consultation is always free, so call our offices at 1-800-378-1242 today to find out how we can help with your case.

Trust Your Doral Civil RICO Lawyer to Fight for Your Case

It is important to hire a strong Doral civil RICO lawyer who can fight for your right to be fairly compensated. By working with our team, you can expect to have a competent ally on your side who will fight for your right to get the highest compensation available and to provide access to the best available legal counsel. Call our office today at 1-800-378-1242 to get a free consultation with one our criminal defense lawyers. Together, we will review the details of your claim with you and help you form a strong case. 

Interested in learning more?

We offer free initial consultations to assess your case. Call 1-800-378-1242 for personalized legal services from start to finish!