Hurricane Ian Insurance Claims Factors

Ovadia Law Group can help you receive a better homeowner settlement offer for the damages you needed to deal with due to hurricane Ian. We have helped numerous clients who have had major damages to their homes. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when calculating the final settlement the insurance company will present to you. Your insurance company might not be willing to offer more than they feel is fair, this is where our team of lawyers can help you.


Hurricane Ian caused a lot of flood damage which is the prominent factor of most hurricanes. Dealing with the leftover water from flooding can be a lot of work, which is why the team at Ovadia Law Group feels you should hire a professional. Excessive weather conditions from hurricanes could cause issues such as damage to a household such as roof leaks caused by trees or power lines falling on top of your house. It is beneficial for many reasons, the cost of hiring a professional company will also be a part of the cost you could include in the settlement offer aside from the water damages and losses itself. By hiring a professional you also feel a sense of security knowing you limit your chances of being exposed to mold. You need to be sure you take the necessary precautions because if not your family could be put at risk.

The strong winds faced during the storm could also lead to fires being spread. If something catches on fire due to wires being exposed or loose. It becomes easy for the fire to spread and move within the neighborhood. Ambers of fire could disperse spot fires to unburned areas and lead to more areas burning down. Your house could catch fire due to something else burning near you, which is what makes fires so dangerous. The wind from hurricane Ian was serious and could lead to many damages to your home if something was flying around. For example if there was any debris flying, it could have contributed to damage in your house and also further flooding damages. If you need help dealing with the insurance company or receiving more homeowner insurance then Ovadia Law Group can help you.

If you have Experienced Property Damage from Hurricane Ian and feel you were Offered an unfair Settlement offer then Contact Ovadia Law Group.

Call 1-800-674-9396 to be connected to a lawyer who will help negotiate with your insurance company. There are various factors aside from physical damages that need to be included in the settlement. Depending on the damages you faced from hurricane Ian, as a homeowner, you will have a lot of expenses for repairs. The repairs also will take a long time leaving you stuck. You might need to find another place to stay while your home receives the repairs. If you would like to tackle the insurance company with lawyers who have years of experience handling these cases, then do not wait to call Ovadia Law Group.

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