Hurricane Idalia Insurance Claims
Support for Clients Throughout the State of Florida
We Set The Standards™
As a homeowner in the state of Florida, you know how severe the weather could be during hurricane season. If you have experienced damage due to circumstances of hurricane Idalia, it is important to find the right law firm to help you with your insurance company. Ovadia Law Group can help you receive the proper amount of compensation to help cover the problem areas. It is important to know some of the problem areas that could be considered in your insurance damage claim
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There are Many Factors that Could be Considered in a Hurricane Insurance Claim.
Some of the following include.:
- Water Damage
- Mold
- Roof Leaks
- Fires
- Wind Storms
Assisting You in Identifying Your Available Legal Choices
If you experienced flooding from hurricane Idalia, it is important to take photos and videos as proof, this could be used as evidence to support your claim. When taking photos of the damages before and after, you should also take photos or keep a list of everything you lost due to the flooding. The items you needed to throw out all are due to the flooding you experienced due to hurricane Idalia. Following the flood you should remove any unsafe food. To take precautions you should throw away everything, in case you might have experienced a power outage and were unaware if you evacuated. You should contact a reliable restoration company since they have the necessary tools to remove the excess water. If you choose to get rid of the water yourself, make sure to take safety precautions such as wearing a respirator, goggles or some form of eye protection and boots.
If you do not take the right steps after the flooding in your home, you might experience mold growth in your home. This could lead to further health problems you will need to deal with and could be included in your hurricane insurance claim. It is crucial to dry out your home and walls before the mold growth begins. You should prioritize leaving doors and windows open while using a dehumidifier if you have one accessible. Unfortunately you might need to remove any furniture or household items that have been wet for over 48 hours. You also should remove flooring that has been affected by the flooding from hurricane Idalia. Roof leaks could be caused by extenuating circumstances such as a tree or telephone pole falling on your home. The hurricane winds from hurricane Idalia play a big part in this and it is something you can not control. Aside from the possibly following or water damage caused by the roof leaks, you also need to repair the damaged roof. Items also may be lost or left unrepairable due to the damages.
Fires in your home could be caused by wires being left exposed and coming into contact with your home. This could be extremely dangerous since the fire department might not have an easily accessible way to get to your home. If the whole town you reside in is flooded you might have more challenges than intended. If no one is battling the blazes coming from your home, it might catch onto other houses in your neighborhood. The wind gusts from the hurricane could factor into this. Wind storms also could cause things to damage your home or other buildings around you. There have been strong recorded winds caused by hurricane Idalia. You should try to take precautions before the hurricane reaches you, tying up outdoor things such as trampolines or barbecues and putting away lawn chairs could make a big difference.
If you are Exploring the Legal Options you Could Take Following a Hurricane, you Should Contact the Ovadia Law Group Team.
The lawyers have helped many people with their home insurance settlement and are confident they can help you with your case. With years of hurricanes hitting the state of Florida, the Ovadia Law Group legal team has years of experience making sure people receive what they deserve from their insurance company. We can provide you a free estimate if you fill out your information.
Do Not wait to Contact our Team so We Can Start Moving Forward With Your Case.
You can reach our team at 1-800-674-9396. It is crucial to handle any damages swiftly so the conditions of your house do not worsen. When disaster strikes it could be a stressful time, so let us handle the insurance company while you focus on fixing the conditions caused by hurricane Idalia.