Building Collapse Lawyers
We Set The Standards™
The Champlain Towers complex in Surfside Collapse!
According to a Florida International University professor who co-authored a study focused on the issue last year, the complex had been sinking into the earth bit by bit since the 1990s, at one point at a rate of about 2 millimeters per year.
The Champlain Towers complex in Surfside, Florida, was the subject of at least one lawsuit over the maintenance of the structure’s outer walls. In addition, the building attracted the attention of scientists alarmed over flooding and land erosion.
Kobi Karp, an architect who has practiced in Miami since the late 1980s, said the construction method used in South Florida has been the standard since the 1920s, and it is “the most structurally sound and safest way to build structures, whether it’s a two-story home or a high-rise.”
“So even a building built in the 1980s is a relatively young building,” Karp told The Daily Beast, adding that the event that led to the building’s collapse “could have occurred in the past 24 hours or in the past 24 months.”
Surfside Building Collapse News
The structural engineering firm

Sent an engineer report
The Morabito Consultants, Inc. firm submitted in October 2018, a full structural engineering report to the treasurer of the Champlain Towers South Condominium Complex in Surfside, FL.
The goal of the study was to understand and document the extend of structural issues that require repair and/or remediation in the immediate and near future with its probable costs.
These documents would enable the condominium to adequately assess the overall condition of the building, notify tenants on how they might be affected, and provide a safe and functional infrastructure for the future.

Balcony Soffit paint spalling in units 208, 703 and 1301.
Typical cracking in the stucco exterior facade.

Legal advice from building-collapses lawyers
It is hard to build a solid structure if all vital details are not considered during the construction. Avoiding a building collapse risk is not easy, but getting the compensation you are entitled to is.
Our professional building collapse lawyers will investigate the standards of the constructions and claims against the parties involved. Taking care of all the complex legal affairs for you.

What causes building collapse?
Structures do not collapse out of the blue. It is usually due to somebody else’s negligence.
Some reasons include:
- Bad quality Materials
- Foundation Failure
- Design defects
- Weakness in structure
- Ceiling collapse
- Construction worker mistake
Our lawyers are investigating the surfside building collapse of the Champlain Towers to hold all parties responsible for injuries and death.
At Ovadia Law Group, our priority is to assist our clients affected by this tragedy by offering the best legal help and support to get them the compensation they deserve for the injuries and loss suffered. We want to ensure a tragedy like the one at Surfside does not happen again and that all the responsible parties are held accountable.
Our law firm is dedicated to defending the rights of individuals and families who are victims of building collapses by providing them with all the accurate information and guiding them through the best course of action is when in a situation like this one.
Lawyers Suing Champlain Towers For Building Collapse

Who is responsible for my injuries after a construction collapses?
If you have suffered personal injuries due to a building collapsing, you are most likely looking for compensation from one of the following parties:
- Property Owners
- General contractors
- Engineers
- Architects
- Material or equipment suppliers.