Miami Springs Car Accident Lawyer

Speak to an Experienced Car Injury Lawyer

If the unfortunate happens and you fall victim to personal injury after an auto wreck, you may be entitled to compensation in one or more ways. Here are a few examples of criteria that could qualify you for compensation after an auto accident such as: hospital and physician expenses, rehabilitative therapy expenses, prescription drug expenses, lost wages from being unable to work, pain and suffering caused from your car accident, and emotional trauma or anguish after an accident. It is very important to connect with a reputable car accident lawyer as soon as possible after a crash so that they can review the details of your case with you.

Once they are able to determine the value of your case, your auto accident lawyer will fight to get you the compensation you rightfully deserve from local Miami Springs insurance companies known for lowballing victims of personal injury in order to settle their cases for as little compensation as possible. At Ovadia Law Group, we have highly regarded and reliable Miami Springs auto injury attorneys who are ready to pursue the insurance companies for the compensation you deserve and the treatment you need after an accident. Call us today at 1-800-378-1242 to receive a free consultation and have a real auto injury attorney answer any questions you may have about your case.

Do I Need An MRI After A Miami Springs Accident?


Many people involved in car accidents cannot visibly see an injury or immediately feel pain. As such, they may dismiss seeking the examination of a doctor post-car accident. It is important to remember that the adrenaline one feels after being involved in a car crash can mask pain.

Inflammation may also take up to three days to take place in the body after a car accident. It is even possible to have fractures or tears in tissue without immediately knowing. Long-term injuries are a very serious concern for anyone who has been involved in a car crash. Many people falsely believe that a minor car accident cannot cause serious, long-term injury. However, medical research shows that even a minor fender bender can cause lasting damage to muscle and soft tissue, as well as displace spinal discs or cause neck and spinal injuries that can be very serious.

Getting and MRI can enhance the validity of a car accident injury claim. Injuries that cannot be seen visually or through an x-ray will be revealed in an MRI. The most common types of injury after a car accident that are hidden but revealed with the help of an MRI are: spinal cord, brain and head, internal, back and neck, and tissue/muscle. If you have been injured you may need to get an MRI.

It can be difficult to know when the right time to call a lawyer after a car accident may be. Some car wrecks are big and life altering, clearly requiring an attorney to help sort out the legal consequences. Smaller wrecks; however, may seem straightforward and uncomplicated. But, they can still have significant and long-lasting effects that can lead to large personal injury settlements.

Because of this, it’s never too early to speak with an attorney after a car wreck. Contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer should always be a high priority. Ovadia Law Group offers free initial consultations with no strings attached. During your consultation, one of our experienced auto injury lawyers will listen to the details of your accident and then give you a straightforward and honest assessment of your case. Call us today at 1-800-378-1242 to learn all the ways we can help you after an auto wreck.

When Should I Call A Miami Springs Car Accident Lawyer?


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