Many people believe that a minor car accident cannot cause serious, long-term injury. However, medical research shows that even a minor fender bender can cause lasting damage to muscle and soft tissue, as well as displace spinal discs or cause neck and spinal injuries that can be very serious.
After being involved in a car accident, many people cannot visibly see an injury or immediately feel pain. As such, they dismiss seeking immediate medical attention after the car accident. It’s important to remember that the adrenaline one feels after being involved in a car crash can mask pain. Inflammation may also take up to three days to take place in the body after a car accident. It’s even possible to have fractures or tears in tissue without immediately knowing.
With an experienced Ovadia Law Group car accident lawyer, you will make sure your health is protected by working with doctors and insurance companies who will ensure you receive the care you need and deserve after being involved in a car accident.
Insurance companies are not on your side and will often lowball those injured in auto accidents in efforts to settle your case for as little compensation as possible. You need someone on your side. Ovadia Law Group has a proven track record of successful negotiation against insurance companies. We don’t get paid until your case is won and your initial consultation is always free. We serve the Safety Harbor area and our auto injury lawyers are always available to talk. Call our law offices today at 1-800-378-1242 to receive your free consultation.
Be sure to remain at the scene, call the police and if you need medical help, call 911. While waiting for medical attention it is important for you to collect the information listed below if you are able:
It’s important to assess the damages of your Safety Harbor car incident. If you have been involved in a car crash, it is very important to hire right away a reputable car injury lawyer to hold the person whom you crashed with accountable for their reckless behavior.
You are entitled to receive the full range of benefits from both your insurance company and the driver involved in the accident. Since both can offer to give you an unfair amount not worth it for your injuries, our car crash lawyer is here to help you out. Aside from assisting you with your insurance claims, our trustworthy auto injury attorneys will aid you in getting the best medical assistance you need to recover from your tragedy. By working with a car wreck law firm, you will receive help and assurance for all of your needs.
From examining the remains of the collision to helping you get medical assistance immediately, and to assisting you with all your legal options, our auto injury attorney professionals will do everything in their power to get you the compensation you rightfully deserve. If you are looking to work with a team of strong and capable car injury attorneys, call 1-800-378-1242 today.
Driving on the roads of Safety Harbor can be stressful. Getting into an accident and getting injured in the process is never an ideal situation, especially if the other party is responsible for the disaster.
When this happens, it is essential to get in touch with a trusted Safety Harbor car wreck law firm and work with an esteemed auto accident attorney to hold the other party accountable for their actions. This is in line with the Florida Financial Responsibility Law, which mandates that drivers at fault in any wrecks causing physical injury and property damage be required to use their full liability insurance.
It includes a minimum coverage of $10,000 per person, $10,000 for damages to property, and personal injury protection limits amounting to $10,000. Help from our reliable auto collision attorney ensures that you get the compensation you need and deserve after being injured in an auto accident. Call us at 1-800-378-1242 to receive a free consultation.
We offer free initial consultations to assess your case.
Call 1-800-674-9396 for personalized legal services from start to finish!
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4800 N. Federal Hwy
Suite D204,
Boca Raton, FL 33431
*Direct all Mail to this office
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1835 NW 112th Ave, Suite 164, Miami, FL 33172
Ft. Myers Office
3364 Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers, Fl 33901
Orlando Office
1925 E Michigan St, Suite 201, Orlando, FL 32806