Southwest Ranches Car Accident Lawyer

Seeking Legal Counsel For a Southwest Ranches Car Accident?

Getting into an accident and falling victim to personal injury, as a result, is never an ideal situation, especially if the other party is responsible for the collision. However, if the unfavorable happens and you are involved in an automobile accident, it is always important to get in touch with a trusted Southwest Ranches car wreck law firm so you can work with an established auto accident attorney to hold the other party accountable for their actions.

This is in line with the Florida Financial Responsibility Law, which mandates that drivers at fault in any wrecks causing physical injury and property damage be required to use their full liability insurance. It includes a minimum coverage of $10,000 per person, $10,000 for damages to property, and personal injury protection limits amounting to $10,000. Receiving help and legal counsel from our reliable auto collision attorney ensures that you get the compensation you need and deserve.


Do I Need An MRI After A Southwest Ranches Accident?

Long-term injuries are a very serious concern for anyone who has been involved in a car crash. Many people falsely believe that a minor car accident cannot cause serious, long-term injury. However, medical research shows that even a minor fender bender can cause lasting damage to muscle and soft tissue, as well as displace spinal discs or cause neck and spinal injuries that can be very serious.

An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a scan using radio waves and a magnetic field to create images of internal tissues and organs without using radiation. MRI scans are painless and there are many reasons to get an MRI after an accident. Some examples of reasons to get an MRI include: Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries, Internal Organ Damage and Joint and Back Pain.

Many people involved in car accidents cannot visibly see an injury or immediately feel pain. As such, they may dismiss seeking immediate medical attention to assess their health post-car accident. It is important to remember that the adrenaline one feels after being involved in a car crash can mask pain. Inflammation may also take up to three days to take place in the body after a car accident. It is even possible to have fractures or tears in tissue without immediately knowing.

Getting an MRI can enhance the validity of a car accident injury claim. Injuries that cannot be seen visually or through an x-ray will be revealed in an MRI. The most common types of injury after a car accident that is hidden but revealed with the help of an MRI are: Spinal Cord, Brain and Head, Internal, Back and Neck and Tissue/Muscle.

Insurance companies do not like to pay for MRI’s because they are costly. Insurance companies may even deny a patient’s claim for coverage saying that it’s not necessary, and when appealed, deny the appeal. With an experienced Ovadia Law Group car accident lawyer, you can make sure your health is protected by working with doctors and insurance companies who will ensure you receive the care you need and deserve after being involved in a car accident.

An increase of drivers on the road is seen as a contributor to auto accidents in Southwest Ranches. With the increase of cars on the roads, people are becoming aggressive and agitated over the crowded roads. As the traffic progresses, drivers tend to become more reckless by trying to beat the red light. Some of the contributing factors to car accidents in Southwest Ranches are the following:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Driving Under The Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
  • Texting while Driving


Call us at 1-800-378-1242 if you’ve been involved in any of these accidents or believe one of these factors affected your wreck. Our car collision lawyers are well versed in road regulations and laws, and provide accurate and reliable counsel. Ovaida Law Group can take part in the investigation and help you pursue your rightful compensation.

What Are Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Southwest Ranches?


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