Sunrise Car Accident Lawyer

What Duties Does a Sunrise Driver Have To Stay Safe On The Road?

As a driver in the Sunrise area, it’s important to drive cautiously and safely. Limiting distracted driving to a minimum is a key part of staying safe in on the road. Distracted driving is legally defined by auto injury lawyers as anything that takes your eyes or focuses away from the task of operating the vehicle. This includes, texting or otherwise using a phone, eating or drinking at the wheel, looking for a dropped or out of reach item, or interactions with passengers.

 In addition to limiting distracted driving, it’s important to be mindful of other drivers you share the road with. Other drivers may be distracted, impaired, or overly aggressive when driving which can end poorly for those they share the road with. Car Accident Attorneys recommend you use defensive driving techniques and to be wary of adverse weather conditions like rain, fog, and strong wind in order to stay safe on the road.

Sunrise Car Accident Lawyer’s Guide for After a Car Accident

If you’ve been injured in a car accident as a result of another driver in the Sunrise area, it’s important you contact a recognized Auto Collision Attorney. Florida’s Financial Responsibility law states it’s necessary for all drivers to have full-liability coverage at all times, with a minimum of $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage.

However, insurance companies often lowball those who have been injured in car accidents, denying them of their deserved compensation. A Car Injury Lawyer will fight to get you the money you need to pay for your medical expenses and lost wages. Ovadia Law Group is a car wreck law firm known for their experience and strength in Sunrise and surrounding areas. We will relentlessly pursue the compensation you deserve and the treatment you need to recover from your pain and misfortune. Call us at 1-800-378-1242 to schedule a free consultation with a reputable auto injury attorney as soon as possible.

How Do I Know If I Can Receive Compensation For a Sunrise Car Accident?


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