Windermere Car Accident Lawyer

Hire an Experienced Windermere Auto Accident Lawyer Now

If you’ve been injured in a car accident as a result of another driver in the Windermere area, it’s important you contact an esteemed Auto Accident Lawyer. Florida’s Financial Responsibility law states it’s necessary for drivers to have full-liability coverage at all times, a minimum of $10k is allotted for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage. Insurance companies have no problem accepting your monthly payments, but when it comes time to pay you, they often come up short.

 If you were hurt in an accident, a powerful Car Injury Lawyer will fight to get you the money you need to pay for your medical expenses and lost wages. Ovadia Law Group has Car Collision Attorneys known for their experience and dependability. We will relentlessly pursue the compensation you deserve and the treatment you need to recover from your distress. Call us today at 1-800-378-1242 to receive a free consultation from a powerful car accident lawyer.

My Injuries Aren’t Severe, Do I Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

Countless injuries can occur as a result of a car accident, this can include broken bones, severe burns and disfigurement, traumatic brain injury, and organ damage. Thankfully injuries of this severity are less common, however, injuries that seem minor immediately following an accident can become much more troublesome if left untreated. Examples of injuries that may appear minor but can develop in severity if left untreated include:


Additionally, all costs from accident-related injuries may not appear until later, and minor injuries can become major issues that limit both function and income. It’s very important to contact a medical professional to assess your injuries, and a Windermere Car Injury Lawyer to make sure everything is well documented and fairly compensated.

Our Car Accident Attorneys are established in the Windermere area and familiar with all local laws and ordinances.

  • Ovadia Law Group offers a free consultation to discuss your car accident related incident and see if you have grounds for a claim. Call 1-800-378-1242 to reach the offices of a dedicated and experienced car crash law firm.
  • We investigate your accident and search for all evidence to best represent you provide accurate and informed counsel.
  • Whether you’re dealing with a corporate insurance policy or a local Windermere insurance company, our strong Auto Accident Lawyers will fight for your rights until you get your necessary compensation.
  • Our Windermere Car Wreck Attorneys will keep you well informed and updated on your case as it progresses, as well as discussing your options with you along the way.

What Your Windermere Car Accident Attorney Does For You:


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We offer free initial consultations to assess your case.
Call 1-800-674-9396 for personalized legal services from start to finish!