
Apopka Uber & Lyft Injuries

Injured as a Passenger or Driver for Uber or Lyftin Apopka?

Unfortunately, The number of people being injured in rideshare incidents is increasing. Many people are concerned and don’t know the steps to take following an incident. If you find yourself in an incident while driving for Uber and Lyft, it is important to understand your rights. Your loved ones could be in this position, and you might know something to help them with their next steps. You could also contact our team at Ovadia Law Group to look into your case and answer any personal injury questions you may have regarding the issue. We have many personal injury attorneys and offer free consultations.

Whether you are the driver or the passenger, you still have rights. Uber and Lyft each have their own insurance policies regarding accidents or personal injuries. Their coverage typically includes liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage. Contact our team at 1-800-378-1242 to find out more information about these policies. Our team can break down their policies to you and explain what this might mean for your case. The attorneys at Ovadia Law Group have various years of experience dealing with rideshare, car accident, and personal injury cases. You should file a claim immediately because if you wait to file a claim within a specific timeframe, it may result in you losing your right to seek compensation.

Do you need an Apopka Personal Injury Attorney?


Contact us and let our team at Ovadia Law Group connect you with a knowledgeable law firm in Apopka. Those personal Injury attorneys will advocate for your best interests in pursuing a fair resolution for your Uber or Lyft accident. In rideshare accidents, determining liability can be complex. Your personal injury attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to identify all responsible parties, such as other drivers, negligent third parties, or even the rideshare companies themselves. Your lawyer can build a strong case on your behalf by accurately establishing liability. Then you also need to start dealing with the injuries after an accident can be overwhelming; focus on your recovery and let experienced attorneys handle the rest for you. Time is of the essence, and there might be a limitation on how long you have to file your claim, do not wait to see a doctor and contact a lawyer after your accident.

What will be Included in my Compensation?

The specific compensation you may be entitled to will depend on various factors including the circumstance of the accident, the extent of your injuries, and the applicable laws and insurance policies. As an injured Uber or Lyft passenger or driver, you may be facing medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Your team will comprehensively evaluate your losses and fight to secure the full and fair compensation you deserve. Your personal injury attorneys in Apopka will consider both current and future expenses when looking into your settlement. Contact our team at Ovadia Law Group at 1-800-674-9396 to start taking legal action to receive the compensation you deserve.

Interested in learning more?

We offer free initial consultations to assess your case.
Call 1-800-674-9396 for personalized legal services from start to finish!

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