
Cocoa Beach Uber & Lyft Injuries

If you were Involved in a Car Accident while using Uber or Lyft in Cocoa Beach

It is important to know who will be held liable and if you will receive compensation. You should contact our legal team, Ovadia Law Group to help build and establish your case.

There are differences to establishing liability, depending on if you are the driver. The driver must have their own insurance aside from the rideshare insurance policies. Their own insurance may be applicable depending on the circumstance of the accident. Drivers need to note if they were logged into the app and if they were completing a trip at the time of an accident. This will change the outcome of liability or which policy is used.

Typically rideshare companies want their drivers to have some sort of sign or clear indication that they work for their rideshare company. This is important since if they have a sign that might be “off”, it will make it more difficult for them in terms of paying claims. If this sounds like you or your situation as a driver, you should contact our team at 1-800-674-9396. Our team has years of experience handling rideshare cases and can help you with your rideshare case in Cocoa Beach.

Other cases include drivers who were logged into the rideshare application but were waiting to receive a trip. In this instance, the rideshare company might use its insurance policy. There are a lot of complications in this situation, which makes it more beneficial to contact us or fill out our online free consultation form.

There are differences to establishing liability, depending on if you are the driver.

The driver must have their own insurance aside from the rideshare insurance policies. Their own insurance may be applicable depending on the circumstance of the accident. Drivers need to note if they were logged into the app and if they were completing a trip at the time of an accident. This will change the outcome of liability or which policy is used.

The final instance is when the driver was completing a trip for the rideshare company. Since they had a passenger in their vehicle and were currently working for the rideshare company, the rideshare company’s insurance policy would likely cover them and possibly the passenger. 

Both companies have different policies and insurance coverages, which make hiring a personal injury team or a car accident lawyer more useful. They can help decipher instances where these companies will be held liable and help connect you to a medical team in Cocoa Beach to help assess and address your injuries. Then they will help determine the possibility of compensation you may be entitled to. Please do not wait to contact our legal team at 1-800-674-9396. Our personal injury lawyers have a strong track record of helping those involved in rideshare accidents.

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We offer free initial consultations to assess your case.
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