Ocala Uber & Lyft Injuries

Ridesharing Services have become an essential Component of Modern Transportation.

Their customers have reported a troubling rise in incidences of physical assault, sexual harassment, and even kidnapping by their drivers, so this flexibility is not without danger. In the wake of such an unsettling tragedy, your friend’s safety and well-being are of the highest importance, and they deserve to have their rights protected. If you need a team of personal injury lawyers to help your friend’s case, contact Ovadia Law Group at 1-800-674-9396. We can help you with your personal injury rideshare case in Ocala.

Before being authorized to operate a vehicle for the ridesharing firm, the assailant of your friend should have passed a comprehensive background investigation. If the event was caused in part by the company’s careless recruiting procedure, they might be held liable. Our skilled lawyers will investigate every possibility to see if the ridesharing company’s screening procedure was deficient and if it directly caused the attack

We Understand that it's Crucial to help a friend get through such a painful experience.

Our legal staff at Ovadia Law Group treats every case with understanding and compassion, creating a secure space where victims may talk about their experiences. If your friend is unsure about talking to a legal team or worried these companies might target her somehow, you should tell them to fill out our free online consultation form. They can provide as much detail about their incident, and we will get back to them. They should not be worried as these forms are very confidential and secure. But if your friend is not worried, you should inform them not to post anything about the case on any social media platform, as this can hurt your case.

They should also inform the rideshare company about the driver and the incident that occurred. This could allow the company to take immediate action until the chase is resolved. Other individuals should not be exposed to unsafe drivers. If you or a friend are unsure of how to handle this or what to say, our team is willing to help you with your statement. Do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-674-9396.

Make sure your friend knows they are not alone in this process. We will do our best to make sure they receive the correct treatment for their injuries. We will connect them to a strong medical team located in Ocala. We will also connect them to a reputable personal injury lawyer located in Ocala after reviewing their case.

Interested in learning more?

We offer free initial consultations to assess your case.
Call 1-800-674-9396 for personalized legal services from start to finish!