
Slip & Falls in Florida

Slip and falls in Florida

By: Emily Cardin 

A slip and fall is an incident when an individual loses their balance due to something slippery or due to any object on the floor. In Florida, the Slip and Fall Statute of Limitations is four years. This means you must take legal action within four years of an incident.

Some instances that could contribute to slip and fall accidents include:

  • Wet floors
  •  Uneven and damaged flooring
  • Handrails that are damaged or loose
  • Tripping hazardous (Wires, etc.)

It is important to find out if the property was negligent when looking to prove liability. Since Slip and Falls could occur in any public place, there are many questions to ask to come to a conclusion for this.

Some questions to ask would include the following:

  • Did they know about a dangerous situation and did nothing to prevent you from getting injured?
  • Did the lack of warning contribute to your fall?
  • How long was the so-called dangerous condition there?

Many factors could impact how long it takes to settle the case. With slip and fall cases, there must be much proof provided as it is typically more difficult to determine who is liable. It is essential to try and remember what exactly happened at the time of the accident. You should know what you did when you fell; this is crucial to the whole case. If you think you may forget what happened, write it down as soon as you can, you should note if you were looking and paying attention when the incident occurred. It will factor into your case if you were distracted by anything, such as your phone or something around you.

Following a Slip and Fall incident:

Report your accident to Property owners/managers:

Doing this could possibly save others from facing injuries. It will allow the property owner to take the proper steps to assess the situation if they haven’t already.

Look for witnesses:

These individuals might have remembered something about the area you might not recall from that day. You must get their contact information, as they could be helpful later on if you pursue legal action.

Take photos:

This is one of the most critical steps; it could prove the claim you make in your lawsuit. It could show the surrounding area if there were any signs or warnings around it. Seeing the surroundings could help people determine if there was anything done to prevent people from getting injured.

Seek medical treatment:

You should seek treatment within 72 hours of the incident, you should be seen as early as possible. This will only help your case as you will have earlier documentation. Seeking a doctor to assess your injuries will validate as evidence; keep a log of all your medical records.

Avoid social media:

In most cases, your social media could be used against you. If you claim to have serious injuries but post yourself going to the gym on social media, it will hurt your claim, compensation, and overall outcome. You should avoid posting anything mentioning the case entirely.

Following a slip and fall, looking for the right legal team to represent you in your case is essential. A lawyer will assess the situation and inform you of your rights. They have experience handling cases like these and know what to present in your case, so let them take it on to relieve some stress and get you compensated for your injuries.


Slip and Fall injuries should be addressed immediately; your injuries could worsen as time passes. A doctor assessing your injuries will help provide documentation and make for a stronger case. Slip and Fall injuries could be minor, like a dull pain, to significant injuries, such as spinal cord injuries. Contact a lawyer immediately so they can help you navigate this process and ensure you take all the proper steps. Ovadia Law Group provides free consultations to answer any questions regarding a slip and fall case. We can meet with clients in our four different office locations across South Florida. Ovadia has offices located in Orlando, Boca Raton, Ft. Meyers, and Miami; see which location is closest to you to set up a meeting.

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