
Steps to take after an Accident  

By: Emily Cardin 

After a car accident, your adrenaline is high, making it difficult to remember the proper steps to take following the crash. If you follow the steps listed below, you will have a better chance of insuring your compensation if you were not at fault.

Take Photos 

Most people know they need to take photos of their vehicle but need to be made aware that they must take pictures of both cars. This step will benefit your insurance company and theirs, especially in proving fault and damages. Photos of both vehicles are necessary, especially if you plan on taking legal action. The more proof you have, the better! Just make sure you are not putting yourself in danger when capturing the damage from different angles; make sure you are always aware of your surroundings.  

Essential photos to take other than both vehicles:

  • Skid Marks 
  • Any property damage 

Share Information 

You must share information with the other driver or individual involved in the accident. Besides just taking a picture or writing down their insurance information, you should also take a picture or write down their license.  

You want to make sure you have the following:

  • Insurance – Policy Number 
  • License – Name should match policy 

Look For Witnesses 

While sharing information with the other individual involved in an accident, scan for anyone who witnessed the accident. You should also share information with them, especially if they need to leave and can’t wait until the police arrive. You could record them, asking them to state simple details such as their name and have them describe what they witnessed. Do not push them if they seem uncomfortable; this might ultimately make you lose them as a witness. 

There are some instances where your witness could be compromised: 

  • The individual is a friend or relative 
  • They have a possibility of financial gain 
  • The individual has a record of relevant criminal history 
  • Medical conditions that could cause the individual to forget what occurred 

Aside from looking for witnesses, it would be best to also look for proof of your accident. Depending on the location of your accident, there may have been security cameras that captured footage of the incident. This is something that could help your case tremendously.  

File a police report 

One of the most crucial steps is to wait for the police to arrive and to file your police report. In your words, you will describe what happened so that the officer can make a police report. The other party might try and convince you not to call the police, but the more proof and paperwork, the better your case might be. If the crash caused severe injuries, you should wait for the EMS to arrive.  

Items you need to provide for the police officer: 

  • Car Registration 
  • Insurance Card 

What not to say 

Statements like these could be seen as an admission to fault. You might feel for the other individual involved in the crash or their situation, but you must avoid saying anything that will make you look guilty. 

Do NOT say these things in your report: 

  • “I’m ok.” or “I’m fine.” 
  • I apologize 
  • “My Fault.” 

At the moment, you are not thinking clearly due to the adrenaline in your body after a car accident. You might not be able to feel any injuries due to the fight-or-flight state your body is in. Saying statements like those lightly could seriously damage your case and be used against you. When you say those things, it could also be seen as an admission to no injuries. Following an accident, you should not speak about any pain or injuries you may not know about yet. The adrenaline after a car accident can last for a few hours or possibly until the next day. 

Key Takeaway

Following a car accident, you should follow these steps to ensure you are covered in legal terms. These five steps should make things clear and make navigating this situation easier. Apart from these five steps, it is always important to consider hiring a lawyer. Hiring an experienced legal team can alleviate some of your stressors due to the accident. The team at Ovadia Law Group has been dealing with car accident cases since 2010 and has various years of experience handling these cases. They have experience handling car accident cases and experience dealing with insurance companies. They work on a contingency basis and offer free consultations, contact them to see how they could get you the proper compensation. 

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