
The Serious Repercussions of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is responsible for thousands of preventable deaths each year. From commercial truck drivers recklessly speeding towards their destination to drivers who text while driving, reckless driving continues to be a significant issue that affects everyone on the road. In this blog, we explain the repercussions of driving while you are distracted.

Although many of us are aware that distracted driving is a serious problem, the issue continues to persist. This is because we do not acknowledge the severity of the risk we take when we let our eyes stray away from the road.

Distracted Driving Accidents Statistics

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3,154 people died in 2013 from accidents that were caused by a distracted driver. In the same year, 24,000 people were injured in crashes involving distracted drivers. Unfortunately, the death rate has not decreased in recent years. In fact, the number of fatal accidents caused by distracted driving jumped to 3,477 in 2015.

What You Can do to Avoid Distracted Driving

The following tips can help you keep your focus on the road:

  • Focus on Driving: Always be alert! You should actively check the road for other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians that are nearby your vehicle. Observe your mirrors when you are backing up or changing lanes.
  • Make Sure You’re Comfortable Before You Drive: When you enter your vehicle, adjust your mirrors, seats, and air-conditioner to your desired settings before starting your trip. The same goes for any navigation or entertainment systems you plan to use when you drive. Adjusting these things while driving puts you and others at risk for an accident.
  • Manage Passenger Activity:  Passengers can sometimes be very distracting. Ask passengers to sit quietly and to be still while you are on the road. Make sure to double check that all passengers in your vehicle have their seatbelts on.
  • Don’t Eat Or Drink: Eat your food and drink your beverages before getting into your car. You should also avoid messy or hard-to-handle items if you’re picking up or transporting food.
  • Secure Loose Objects: Loose objects can become distracting when you are driving. Look around for things you or your passengers might have left behind and secure them before you start driving.
  • Don’t Multitask: Avoid looking for music, using your GPS navigator, and text messaging when you are driving. You shouldn’t check your cell phone or other electronic devices until you’re done driving.

Do you have more questions about the repercussions of distracted driving?

Call 1-855-875-0854 today to find out what we can do for you.

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