
What Are The Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents?

Eschew the most common causes of automobile, van, and bike crashes in Florida by following these tips.

Almost everyone will have a vehicle accident at some point in their life. It’s a fact that this is the case. However, the causes of these mishaps are many and diverse. For others, a fast or inattentive motorist is to fault for a vehicle accident lawsuit. For some, terrible weather or poor road conditions are to blame. If you and those you care about are aware of the most common causes of automobile accidents, you may take preventative measures to minimize your risk of being involved in one.

The following are eight of the most frequent triggers of car accidents in the Sunshine State. And you will be aware of the valid reasons for hiring a car crash lawyer. 

  • Exceeding The Speed Limit

The state of Florida’s speed limits were developed to ensure the safety of all road users. Drivers who break the speed limit are more likely to be involved in a collision. When a motorist is going too fast, it’s more challenging to perform sharp maneuvers safely. Speeding also reduces drivers’ ability to respond quickly to road conditions and unforeseen situations.

  • Refusing To Adhere To A Traffic Light

When driving through a stop sign or red light, it can cause an accident by failing to come to a complete stop. Even when a vehicle has the right of way, it is possible that they do not anticipate another car to run a stop sign or an intersection red light at a fast speed. A side-impact collision may occur if a driver runs a four-way traffic control device. Side-impact crashes, particularly for people in automobiles, may be deadly.

  • Using A Cell Phone While Driving Is A Violation Of Federal Law

According to the National Safety Council, more than 1.6 million collisions and over 330,000 injuries are caused each year by drivers texting while behind the wheel. Texting while driving is a crime in the state of Florida. While texting while driving alone is not enough to warrant an officer’s attention, they may issue a ticket for texting while doing anything else illegal. Texting and driving kill an average of nine people every day in the United States.

Any activity that diverts your attention away from the objective of safe driving, such as eating or drinking in your car or chatting to other passengers, might lead to an accident.

Teenagers are more likely to be involved in an automobile accident caused by distracted driving.

Accidents involving teenage drivers are also often caused by the following factors:

  • Overtaking the speed limit by a significant amount.
  • Getting behind the wheel while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
  • Driving when inattentive (texting and driving, other passengers, etc.)
  • Disregarding stop signs and signals at intersections
  • Drive-By-Alcohol

There are two methods to get behind the wheel while intoxicated in Florida. Drunk driving in Florida is driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) greater than or equal to 0.08 percent and driving while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. People’s capacity to respond to changing traffic conditions is impaired when intoxicated.

While under the influence of alcohol, the capacity to focus on more than one item while driving is impaired. When a person is intoxicated, they are unable to manage their speed and remain in their lane simultaneously as a sober person. In the United States, an estimated 10,000 individuals die each year from alcohol-related accidents.

  • Driving While Intoxicated

Besides DUI, driving under the influence of narcotics is also unlawful in Florida. This covers both illicit and legal drugs. Officials from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warned that although the effects of a drug vary from person to person, drug use impairs driving abilities in the same way that alcohol does.

  • Rain Or Snow

Heavy rain, wet roads, and even hurricanes are significant causes of accidents on Florida highways. Drivers may lose control of their vehicles under powerful wind gusts, resulting in collisions. An unforeseen vehicle response might set off a cascade of events if the driver isn’t prepared for the effects of changing weather conditions on the vehicle.

  • Getting Drowsy At The Wheels

Life is hectic and stressful for many people in the United States, which might cause them to fall asleep while driving. According to one study, one out of every twenty-five persons has confessed to falling asleep behind the wheel at least once in the previous month. Some drivers don’t get enough sleep the night before they get behind the wheel, which may have disastrous consequences. A third option is to drive for a living and put in long days.

A drowsy driver cannot react quickly to changing conditions when behind the wheel. Those who are sleep-deprived have shorter response times and are less able to pay attention to the road than those who are well-rested.

  • Wildlife

Many people don’t realize how often animal-related one-car accidents occur in rural areas of Florida. Deer accidents are rare in our state, but there are still many crashes with deer and other animals each year. Alligators, raccoons, bears, and possums are just some of the additional species that may threaten Florida highways.

Final Point – In The Event Of An Automobile Accident In Florida, What Should I Do?

Even if you are a seasoned driver, it is essential to know the most common causes of automobile accidents in Florida so that you can take more extraordinary precautions on the road.

Sadly, Florida ranks first in the US for the number of fatal car accidents per 100,000 people on the road. Everyone who drives in Florida might benefit from knowing the most prevalent reasons for car accidents in the state.

You are entitled to compensation if you are injured in a vehicle accident—Google-search Car accident near me or a personal injury attorney. The well-known  Ovadia Law Group‘s legal staff is here to answer any questions you may have about Florida law. Call us at 1-800-674-9396 for lawyer-free consultation, our car accident attorney in Miami can assist you in filing claims against the liable party for various damages.

The sooner you contact us after a vehicle accident, the better. Our experienced car crash lawyer will converse with you about your situation and see what we can do to help you be compensated fairly.

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